I am an experienced and highly rated process facilitator having worked with many organisations in the areas of leadership development, change management, strategic alignment as well as in organisational transformation and renewal. My interests include how organisations create and share knowledge; how to promote organisational learning as well as how to lead and manage change processes in a way that enhances individual and organisational performance. I enjoy working with organisations to enhance their viability and effectiveness.
Public Sector Performance Improvement
I have developed and facilitated many sessions towards diagnosing and improving capacity and performance of work units within the public sector. This has included the review of the national department of social development’s Service Delivery Model as well as capacity building workshops using systems thinking approaches for managers in various government departments and agencies. I have facilitated workshops for The performance and monitoring unit of the Office of the President to enable and understanding and application of systems based processes for their mandate. I have also worked with various local government agencies.
Executive Coach
I am also an experienced executive coach where I use approaches based on family systems theory to assist individuals manage in times of change and transition. I have worked with many managers at executive and senior level in a wide variety of companies including Vodacom, SARS, the Fulham group, Sun International casinos and in the food and beverage sector. I specialize in working with executives who need help to manage specific developmental areas and also high potential individuals who are either being groomed for or have recently been promoted to senior positions.
For the last three years, I have facilitated an annual retreat for senior government leaders in Botswana using systems based processes.
Leadership Development Consultant
I am passionate about the development of leaders within organisations. I research and read on trends and models in this area. Using concepts like Drotter’s leadership pipeline and Friedman’s self-differentiated leadership, I have worked with assessing leadership needs and developing programs and processes to address the emerging gaps. I have been involved in leadership development processes in a wide range of organisations including Didata, FNB, Smart Solution, Sun International, Fulham group, Vodacom as well as a number of government departments.
Organisational Development (OD) consultant
I am an excellent, passionate and skilled facilitator of group processes. I use systems tools to enable my clients gain a better understanding and diagnosis of complex problem situations and to develop appropriate responses. I have facilitated processes in organisations such as UNICEF, MOFFU, Kalahari sands hotel and casinos and the UNFPA.
Facilitating corporate storytelling
Using processes and tools like the story wall as well as organisational case studies, I have facilitated sessions that enable an organisation to tell its story and to work towards a shared purpose. Storytelling is especially meaningful in times of transition and change and also where new people have joined a team.
Effective speaking and presentation skills training
I am an experienced facilitator in public speaking and presentation skills having been accredited as a master trainer during my time at Maurice Kerrigan Africa (Pty) Ltd. I have facilitated many sessions for staff who are on the interface of the business and customers. The approach in this training has included some theory as well as one on one sessions with each of the participants addressing their individual challenges in public speaking. The process does not only lead to improved performance in public speaking but also in a more assertive and confident person.
Performance Improvement
I have consulted with many organisations assessing their core purpose, facilitating processes to enable them develop a shared purpose and align their strategy to their core purpose. A recent example is Kalahari sands hotel which has seen marked improvement in staff morale and productivity.
I have conducted social research using mainly qualitative tools and methods under a GTZ survey, as well as a research on ‘African conceptualizations of leadership’ under the University of KwaZulu Natal. I have also been part of a team of three assessing the tools that the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) a unit of the Department of Trade and Industry uses for small business development. I also conducted research for the Southern African Trust (SATs) on inclusive business practices.
Lecturing and student supervision
I lecture and supervise exams and papers at the Leadership Centre UKZN in the area of systems application in knowledge management to postgraduate diploma as well as Masters Students. I am also a visiting faculty at University of Stellenbosch- Business Executive Development in systems application to organisational issues like leadership development, change management, project management, management roles and team performance.
I am a student of Systems theory and Practice and I have a Bachelors of Education (Hons) from Kenyatta University, an MA in Organisational Leadership (Eastern University, USA) and a Master of Commerce in Organisational Management and Systems (UKZN). I am currently studying towards a Phd looking at systems application in capacity development in the public sector.
I am a co-author of a KnowRes publication: Leading the Way through CSI: A Guidebook for Corporate Social Investment Practitioners.