Entries by Samuel Njenga

Fireplace of Conversation – Distribution List

I hereby authorize systems thinking Africa to include my details in the mailing list to be circulated to the participants of the inaugural networking session. We will not share your details with anyone who was not in the meeting without your consent. Kindly complete only the details you would wish to be shared

Confirmation: Fireplace of Conversation – 19th of June 2014

THANK YOU FOR CONFIRMING YOUR ATTENDANCE TO The fireplace of conversation Date: 19th June 2014 Time: 5.30pm-8.30pm Venue: Mike’s Kitchen Bryanston, 298 Main Rd Dress code: casual/ informal To assist us in preparing for the evening kindly check your details as per the below form and complete title, organization and special dietary requirements:

Systems Thinking for Busy Managers in the Public Sector

The world of work today is in constant and rapid change. As a result, the success and viability of any company is dependent on the ability of its managers to learn and to respond to the changing environment. In the words of Revan, ‘for an organisation to remain viable the rate of learning internally must […]

Dr. Martin Reynolds

Biography Dr Martin Reynolds received his BSc (Hons) in Liberal Studies in Science at the University of Manchester in 1978, and later his PhD in International Development at the Institute for International Development Policy and Management (IDPM) at the University of Manchester in 1998. In the interim he taught Science at senior secondary schools in […]

Change Management

Organisations today face unprecedented and rapid change. From retrenchments to restructuring as well as mergers and acquisitions, managers are having to deal with enormous anxiety that often accompanies change. While the rational processes that happen in the board rooms are important for the successful management of change, it is the management of the emotional processes […]


Increased activity does not necessarily translate into effectiveness. Indeed one of the signs of stuck organisational systems is hyperactivity. Efficiency also does not always lead to more effectiveness. Using well tested methodologies like the viable systems model by Stafford Beer, we work with organisational leaders to diagnose the system for viability and for effectiveness. Critical […]

High Performance

How do I get my team to work together towards high performance? Managers often make the assumption that putting star performers together into a group will result in high performance teams. A casual observance of national soccer teams for example will reveal that many times, even with star performers, the group does not necessarily become […]

Effective Collaboration

One of the challenges of the modern world of work especially with the use of teams is the emergence of silo thinking and practices. It is not uncommon then to find teams in the same organisation working in isolation and even at times competing with each other to the detriment of the overall business. Systems […]